Qingshui River

  • 网络清水河;清水溪
Qingshui RiverQingshui River
  1. Analysis on the Current Condition of Land Use of the Qingshui River Valley


  2. Numerical Simulation of Groundwater Flow in the Qingshui River Plain , in Ningxia Province


  3. On the Historical Change of Wood Market in Qingshui River Valley


  4. The Logic of Governing Regional Public Affairs : A Case Study of Governing the Polluted Qingshui River


  5. Study on attached diatoms of Mian mountain Qingshui River


  6. A Systematic Analysis of Food Self-suffcient Ability in Qingshui River Watershed of Guyuan Prefecture


  7. Distributed hydrological model based on DEM in Qingshui River Basin ; Distribution and Correlation between ABO and Rh Blood Groups


  8. A study of the soils on the northern slope of the Nanshan mountains in the Qingshui River Watershed


  9. The Historical and Cultural Value of Civil Genealogy : An Initial Investigation of Tianzhu County Located in Downstream Qingshui River


  10. During the comprehensive regulation of Qingshui River in Wutai Mountain Zone , the water view construction is a very important aspect of regulation .


  11. Dimen Village sits at the origin of Qingshui River . It mostly rains throughout a year .


  12. Qingshui river basins is an area where minorities inhabit and its economies get less developed in the south-east of Guizhou Province .


  13. Ecological Renovation of Small Watershed in Rural-Urban Fringe of Developing City & A Case From the Ecological Renovation in Qingshui River of Chengdu City


  14. Ecological Environmental Vicissitudes of Qingshui River Basins and Sustainable Development ; Supervise cleaners and housekeeping contractor to maintain office and public place housekeeping .


  15. Sequence polymorphism of mtDNA D-loop in the population of the endangered species Onychostoma rara from the Qingshui River


  16. The periodic change of the precipitation led to a same change trend with the streamflow abundant or dry up in Qingshui River , but only with time lag slightly .


  17. First , it outlines the natural and human environment , on which the forestry economy of Qingshui River Basin was based , including climate , soil , geography , transporation and culture .


  18. The multi-section songs of Dong nationality going with flower-bridges and drum-buildings have been sung from Qingshui River in Guizhou to Seine River in Paris .


  19. Based on the historical records and this survey , it was concluded that the fish fauna in the Qingshui River comprised 86 species ( subspecies ), 57 genera , 13 families and 4 orders .


  20. A total of more than 2500 specimen of fish belonging to 71 species ( subspecies ) in the Qingshui River , Guizhou Province were collected in 2002 & 2004 , and their ecological habits were surveyed .


  21. In the process of clan development , the local original system and culture has conflicted with Chinese culture , they have still shaded into each other at the same time , and finally forming the characteristic clan culture of the Qingshui River valley .


  22. After , it compared the natural frequency through the test and the theoretical results of ANSYS . It also analyzed the safety assessment of a suspension bridge Qingshui river . Finally , it proposed a summary of the full text , and put forward the direction of further research .
